“Gideon” cast performs at Musi-Cal concert!
Posted by Michael Shapiro • Mar 14, 2023

Adventure returns to Hollywood! Members of the cast of the 2021 Los Angeles production of Gideon and the Blundersnorp performed three songs at the the latest Musi-Cal concert at Hollywood’s uber-hip Bourbon Room, alongside presentations from several other great shows. Gideon creator Michael Gordon Shapiro provided introductions to each song and managed to not unduly embarrass anyone. Performing at the concert were Daniel Amerman, Casey Alcoser, Deborah Apodaca, Maggie Ek, Jenna Luck, and Tyler Stilwill.
The Musi-Cal series of concerts features songs from new or in-development musicals, throwing the spotlight on musical theater creators in Southern California. The series is produced by The Foundation for New American Musicals. If you’re in or near Los Angeles, these concerts are well worth checking out!